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Free Span Monitoring System (FMS)


    Estimate residual life of subsea electrical cables subject to free span

    Extrapolate information field-wide

    Live intervention using Autonomous Operations

System Configuration

    Model: FEA base case analysis – assumes J-Tube and cable stationary (Crondall Energy)

    Lattice Link FMS to be deployed: ID30

    System has 3 x accelerometers (see illustration below)

    Quick-release: cable connectors not locked to ensure

    Edge Processing: 

  • Calculate deviation between system and FEA model


    Biofoul removal (if necessary)

    FMS in basket

    Magnetic clamp

    Custom 3D printed clip with ROV screw

Free Span Monitoring System (FMS)

SPAN_ copy
Lattice Link IloT Device

Lattice Link IloT Device

Lattice Link IloT Device

Lattice Link™ IIoT is a smart wireless device with integrated sensors and edge analytics for real time surveillance, automation and autonomous operations in the most challenging environments.

Link’s unique technology sets new standards in energy-efficient above and below water wireless communications, uniquely transferring information seamlessly through water the water/air boundary. Designed to operate for up to 10 years on an integrated battery pack, Lattice Link IIoT devices provide a reliable, cost-effective and flexible solution for Offshore Wind asset integrity management.